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BJP Vitriol Sparks Anger and Boycotts from the Arab World

Several Arab countries across the world have officially condemned India after its ruling party made Islamophobic comments in the midst of a televised debate. The countries have also lodged official protests against New Dehli, demanding a public apology.

BJP Leaders Nupur J Sharma and Naveen Kumar Jindal made indecent comments against the noble character of the Holy Prophet, a man revered by billions, further ensuing Muslim nations to react with profound rage.

At least five Arab nations have lodged official protests against India, and Pakistan and Afghanistan also reacted to the comments made by two members of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

Social media users also reacted angrily calling for the Arab countries to boycott Indian goods in some of the Arab countries. According to Al Jazeera,  Indian products were removed from some shelves in Kuwait.

UAE, Iran, Oman, Jordan, Indonesia and the Maldives reacted to the comments made against the Holy Prophet of Islam. The Islamophobic statements even triggered violent clashes in Uttar Pradesh’s Kanpur on Friday.

The BJP on Sunday reportedly suspended Sharma from the party while distancing itself from her offensive remarks. This move however, could prove to be temporary.

The party has also expelled Naveen Kumar Jindal, who runs its Dehli Media, from the party, after he allegedly posted a tweet about the Prophet but later deleted it.

In a recent statement, the BJP said, “During the thousands of years of the history of India, every religion has blossomed and flourished. The Bharatiya Janata Party respects all religions. The BJP strongly denounces insult of any religious personalities of any religion.”

In a tweet on Sunday, Nupur Sharma apologized for her comments, saying, “I take back my words if they have hurt anyone’s religious sentiments.”
Protests are still filling the streets of India with the people professing their respect for the Prophet Mohamed who has been disrespected through the years either through offensive cartoons or such remarks by leaders.

Police in Jharkhand opened fire in an attempt to disrupt a peaceful protest which resulted in one dead and several people injured.

Critics, however, were quick to point out the silence of majority of the Muslim countries when Muslims in India suffer at the hands of the radicalized Hinduvta terrorists or when the state of Karnataka banned the Hijab for University students.

Indian Muslims have been victims to several attacks, some at the hands of the police forces themselves, yet India itself has done little to nothing about it.

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  • Zamena Manekia Manji

    Zamena Manekia Manji is a breaking news writer for TMJ News with experience of over 10 years in the field. Her areas of focus are important breaking stories in North America specifically untold stories from a minority lens.

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