ICJ Declares Israel’s Presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territories as Unlawful

The ICJ has announced that the Israeli regime’s presence in the occupied Palestin-ian territories – which are the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Ga-za – is unlawful. The ICJ said that Israel’s policies and practices in the West Bank and East Jerusalem “amount to annexation of large parts” of the occupied Palestin-ian territories.
This opinion was read out by Nawaf Salam, president of the world court, which simultaneously found that it had jurisdiction to give the advisory opinion requested.
The court mentioned some of Israel’s policies and practices that “amount to annexation” such as the expansion of settlements, the exploitation of natural resources, the proclamation of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, the comprehensive application of Israeli domestic law in East Jerusalem and its extensive application in the West Bank. Such practices solidify Israel’s control of the occupied Palestin-ian territory.
The 15-judge panel of the court then considered that “Israel is not entitled to sovereignty over or to exercise sovereign powers in any part of the occupied Palestin-ian territory on account of its occupation.”
“Nor can Israel’s security concerns override the principle of the prohibition of the acquisition of territory by force,” it added.
Israel occupied the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, in 1967 and has since plundered on the land, expanding illegal settlements and buildings.
“All States are under an obligation not to recognize as legal the situation arising from the unlawful presence of the State of Israel in the Occupied Palestin-ian Territory and not to render aid or assistance in maintaining the situation created by the continued presence of the State of Israel in the occupied Palestin-ian territory,” it suggested by 12 votes in favor and three against.
The ICJ then concluded by claiming that it considerers “the realization of the right of the Palestin-ian people to self-determination, including its right to an independent and sovereign state, living side by side in peace with the State of Israel within secure and recognized borders for both states, as envisaged in resolutions of the Security Council and General Assembly, would contribute to regional stability and the security of all states in the Middle East.”
The Palestin-ian presidency described the decision as “a triumph for justice,” and “reaffirmation of the Palestin-ian people’s right to self-determination, their land and their statehood.” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu labeled the ICJ’s non-binding opinion as “absurd.”
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