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For God and Country

The phrase often used when US armed forces complete a high security operation, TMJ reclaims this narrative to include minority and God-centric perspectives in deconstructing world issues.
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Muslims of the Melting Pot

In this series, host Sara Salimi explores a wide range of issues concerning Muslim identity in the West through the lens of a symbol we are all too familiar with: the melting pot. Every episode, a featured guest breaks down one puzzle piece that defines part of the Western Muslim’s journey to God in a society that does not necessarily represent a God-centric lifestyle. Will the puzzle pieces ever come together to create that perfect image?
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Blue Sofa Talks

When sensitive issues surrounding our communities are swept under the rug, the Blue Sofa Talks seeks to uncover them through a series of relaxed interviews with interesting women who have an important story to tell.
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Racism Against Hazara Muslims | Interview with Susan

This week multiple bombings targeted Hazaras in Afghanistan from a highschool to a mosque. However, this is not new.
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