Featured Podcasts
For God and Country
The phrase often used when US armed forces complete a high security operation, TMJ reclaims this narrative to include minority and God-centric perspectives in deconstructing world issues.
Muslims of the Melting Pot
In this series, host Sara Salimi explores a wide range of issues concerning Muslim identity in the West through the lens of a symbol we are all too familiar with: the melting pot. Every episode, a featured guest breaks down one puzzle piece that defines part of the Western Muslim’s journey to God in a society that does not necessarily represent a God-centric lifestyle. Will the puzzle pieces ever come together to create that perfect image?
Blue Sofa Talks
When sensitive issues surrounding our communities are swept under the rug, the Blue Sofa Talks seeks to uncover them through a series of relaxed interviews with interesting women who have an important story to tell.
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US Double Standards on Palestine and Ukraine

February 13, 2025

King Abdullah Takes A Bow.

Netanyahu: “The Arab World Recognizes Israel is their Ally Against their Real Enemy, Iran.”

“The resistance never wanted a prime minister who is an enemy of the United States.”

“ There is nothing to buy. It's Gaza,” says President Trump in a conference with the King of Jordan.

“All have failed to destroy the resistance in Gaza.”

Worst mass shooting in recent Swedish history.

“Benjamin Netanyahu cannot stop the war, otherwise he will fall, politically.”

Netanyahu’s gold pager gift: a “security threat”?

“This is the most devastating war that Lebanon has ever seen.”

US President Donald Trump “is a peacemaker in chief.”

Veteran War Correspondent Says Lebanon’s Resistance is Wounded, Not Defeated w/ Elijah Magnier

February 7, 2025

“Syria’s social fabric disintegrating under this new regime,”