Netanyahu Applauded 50 Times During his 56-Minute Speech at Congress

In the midst of his orchestrated genocide in Ga-za, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was welcomed by Congress with a standing ovation, where he was then applauded 50 times during his 56-minute speech. According to a separate statistical calculation, 27% of Netanyahu’s time on the podium consisted of applause.
Netanyahu visibly downplayed the role of the Israeli regime’s ongoing onslaught in Ga-za, shifting the entire blame on the Palestin-ian Resist-ance, and even the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Netanyahu claimed that Israel has taken more precautions to avoid harming civilians than any military in history, despite mounting evidence that the Israeli military has persistently targeted refugee camps, hospitals, churches, mosques and schools.
Netanyahu then accused the Palestin-ian Resist-ance for burning babies on Oct. 7, despite several media outlets debunking such claims months ago. He also claimed that no one was killed in Rafah, despite continuous footage emerging from Gaza showing otherwise.
He then tried to seek sympathy by accusing the Palestin-ian Resist-ance for killing 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, even though Israeli media outlets reported that the Israeli occupation forces deployed their infamous Hannibal Directive that day, killing most of its own civilians in order to prevent them from being taken captive and used as bargaining chips in hostage negotiations.
In his speech, Netanyahu accused Iran for funding pro-Palest-ine protests across the US – claiming they call for the genocide of Jews – while ignoring the overwhelming presence of thousands of American Jews at the forefront of such pro-Palest-ine demonstrations.
The Israeli PM further accused the Palestin-ian Resist-ance for stealing the humanitarian aid that enters Ga-za while failing to mention how the Israeli regime severely restricts the flow of aid into the besieged enclave.
Netanyahu pleaded for more military aid from the US in order to “end the war” in Ga-za, which has so far killed more than 39,000 Palestin-ians – mostly women and children – in what many refer to as the worlds first live-streamed genocide.
Netanyahu called for demilitarizing Ga-za, and for more normalization with Arab states as an “Abrahamic Alliance” against what he calls an “Iranian threat.”
Dozens of Democrats boycotted the event – including President Biden, VP Kamala Harris, and Secretary Blinken – despite many of them having displayed unwavering support for Israel’s War on Ga-za. Rep. Rashida Tlaib was in attendance, while holding a sign that stated “War Crimanal” and “Guilty of Genocide.” Sen. Bernie Sanders took to X to condemn the speech, calling Netanyahu a “War Criminal” and a “Liar.”
Journalist Richard Medhurst referred to the event as a “celebration of mass murder” and that “every word that came out of him (Netanyahu) was a lie.”
The end of Netanyahu’s speech was met with a standing ovation from hundreds of Members of Congress, which concluded with the Israeli PM’s desire to continue what he considers as a war “between barbarism and civilization.”
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