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US House Passes Measure Which Will Automatically Register Young Men for Selective Service

The US House of Representatives passed a measure on Friday, June 14, which will automatically register men between the ages of 18 and 26 for “selective service.”

According to Fox News, this was part of the annual National Defense Authorization (NDAA), which plans out the US government’s military and national security priorities over the next fiscal year. 

This year alone, the NDAA is authorizing a staggering $895.2 billion in military training, a sharp $9 billion increase from 2024. 

Despite not being invoked for over 50 years, it’s compulsory for all male US citizens to register for the selective service, also known as the military draft, when they turn 18. Failure to do so will be considered a felony, resulting in a whole series of legal challenges. 

This was led by Rep.Chrissy Houlahan, D-PA, and passed in the House Armed Services Committee’s version of the NDAA in May. The NDAA moved forward through the committee in a landslide 57 to 1 vote.

“By using available federal databases, the [Selective Service] agency will be able to register all of the individuals required and thus help ensure that any future military draft is fair and equitable,” Houlahan said during debate last month, according to Defense News.

“This will also allow us to rededicate resources — basically that means money — towards reading readiness and towards mobilization … rather than towards education and advertising campaigns driven to register people.”

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., condemned the bill on Friday afternoon, “over the inclusion of amendments curbing funding for abortion, transgender medical care, and diversity efforts.”

“Unsurprisingly, the legislation coming out of the House today is loaded with anti-LGBTQ, anti-choice, anti-environment, and other divisive amendments guaranteed not to pass the Senate,” Schumer said. “As we move forward with this year’s NDAA process, both sides will have to work together to pass bipartisan legislation that honors and respects all who serve in defense of our nation,” Schmer lamented.

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