Over 220,000 Children in Sudan Could Die from Acute Hunger Due to War

Sudan’s hunger crises is now dangerously close to famine, with the UN calling for an “urgent cessation of hostilities before an entire generation is destroyed and the wider region is destabilized.”
“We are here today to warn you of a far-reaching and fast-deteriorating situation of food insecurity in Sudan,” said Edem Wosornu, Director of Operations and Advocacy in the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
Mass graves, gang rapes and attacks in densely populated areas were reported, with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) stating that some acts may amount to war crimes. Cities like Khartoum, Darfur and Kordofan have been facing fierce fighting for more than 340 days in a row.
The war has led to looting, massive destruction and has compelled farmers to abandon their farmlands. The prices of basic food commodities have skyrocketed by 83%.
“Sudan is one of the worst humanitarian disasters in recent memory,” she stressed, precipitating the world’s largest international displacement crisis, and “on course to become the world’s worst hunger crisis,” Wosornu added.
According to estimates, more than 220,000 children could die of malnutrition in the next weeks and months.
Humanitarian aid is not able to accommodate the growing crisis with nearly 28 million people facing acute food insecurity. 18 million in Sudan, 7 million in South Sudan and around 3 million in neighboring Chad.
In South Sudan alone, 3 million people are not receiving assistance from WFP due to lack of funds, according to the UN. In addition to the hunger crisis, more than 8 million people are also internally displaced. 2 million have already fled to neighboring countries.
The war in Sudan has erupted into a humanitarian catastrophe in the African region, causing the world’s largest displacement crises. Urgent assistance to survive is required since food production has been massively disrupted.
Representative of Algeria, who also spoke on behalf of Guyana, Mozambique and Sierra Leone, said, “if we had the ability to reverse the hand of time,” it would have been “unimaginable” for a country like Sudan — a breadbasket known for its abundant resources and agricultural traditions — to face acute risk of food insecurity.”
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