Over 11,078 Palestinians Killed by Israeli Airstrikes, including 4,506 Children

11,078 Palestinians have been killed by Israel’s bombing on the besieged Gaza Strip. This includes 4,506 children, 3,027 women and 678 elderly people. 27,490 people have also been injured.
Israeli tanks are now surrounding four hospitals and are heavily bombing a number of medical centers. The Al-Nasser and Al-Rantisi Specialized Hospital for Children are two of those surrounded.
Al-Rantisi has been reported to be the only medical facility in Gaza specializing in treating children with cancer.
Thousands of patients, medical workers and displaced people are forced to shelter inside the surrounding hospitals with no food or water. Al Shifa Hospital is also being heavily bombed by Israel. WHO spokesperson Margaret Harris said, “I haven’t got the details on al-Shifa but we do know they are coming under bombardment.”
A further 20 Palestinians were also killed in the West Bank in the last 25 hours including 18 in Jenin. The West bank death toll has skyrocketed to 183. Israel has also confirmed that they arrested 20 Palestinians while raiding Jenin and 90 were arrested throughout the West Bank during the night.
As the death toll in Gaza mounts, Yemen’s Ansarullah Movement has launched a “large number” of ballistic missiles aiming at the Israeli entity. A drone launched from Syria also crossed through the Israeli regime’s territory, into the city of Eilat after a failed interception. Lebanese Resistance further targeted IDF forces in two separate locations, specifically two Merkava tanks and a group of IDF infantry.
The White House has claimed that Israel agreed to a four-hour daily pause in Northern Gaza but the Palestinian Resistance has not confirmed if the Israeli Occupation Forces have truly granted pauses saying, “Any agreement will be announced to our people.”
Israeli Regime’s Prime Minister Benjamin Nethanyahu has also dismissed a deal for a five-day ceasefire in return for the release of some of their hostages. Civilians fleeing to the south holding white flags have continued to be shot by the Israeli Occupation Forces, further cementing the Regime’s true intentions for the Occupied Palestinians.
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