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No Confidence Vote To Oust PM Imran Khan

Pakistan moves no-confidence motion for Prime Minister Imran Khan aimed at removing him from office in lower house of the parliament on Monday March 28th, with a debate scheduled for tomorrow.

The vote was brought forth by opposition leader Shehbaz Sharif, local media reports said.

This comes after Pakistan abstained from a UN vote condemning Russia’s invasion on Ukraine as well as severe economic crisis facing the country. Three of his major partners, Muttahida Qaumi Movement Pakistan, Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid and Balochistan Awami Party have also changed sides and now stand with the opposition. Several of his own party members have also declared they will be voting in favor of the no-confidence vote.

Famous through his former career as a cricketer, PM Khan gained popularity as a world leader especially among the young people in Pakistan when he came into power in 2018. His governance is said to run on an anti-corruption platform.

While accusations have surfaced that Khan has mismanaged the nation’s economy, PM Khan blames foreign-funded conspiracy for trying to topple him. No Pakistani Prime Minister has ever completed the term in the 75 year history of Pakistan, with frequent coups taking place. PM Khan says that the political turmoil began due to his government’s independent foreign policy, which used to be controled by “telephone calls”.  In September of 2021, PM Khan had expressed anger towards American officials who scapegoated Pakistan for US failure in Afghanistan.

“To blame Pakistan for this debacle in Afghanistan is the most painful thing for us to listen to,” PM Khan had said.

The house will begin the debate Thursday and the final vote is to be held within seven days.

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  • Zainab Rights

    Zainab Rights is a Muslim American Journalist and Editor in Chief at TMJ News Network. She holds a double degree in Political Science and Homeland Security and a Masters in Journalism from Harvard University. She has over 12 years of experience in political commentary, writing and video production.

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