Pro-Palestinian Protestors Arrested After Shutting Down Golden Gate Bridge, People Reveal Mixed Feelings
Pro-Palestinian protestors shut down Highway 101 on the Golden Gate Bridge, obstructing cars from passing by the popular bridge in San Francisco on Monday, April 15, 2024.
The protestors blocked all southbound lanes and called on the US to stop arming and funding the Israeli regime and its ongoing onslaught in Gaza.
Protestors also held banners that read “Stop the World for Gaza” and “End the Siege on Gaza Now.”
The California Highway Patrol was at the scene, with “no estimate time for reopening,” according to the Golden Gate Bridge’s X account.
“Drivers should expect significant delays & avoid using the Bridge where possible,” it added.
Aung Zin, a user of the bridge said, “I think this is the only way people will listen but at the same time, I wish there was a resolution around it.”
“We’re just trying to get home or work, everyone’s just mad,” he added.
Other people revealed that their health was at stake by the closure. Rem O’Donnely was late for surgery.
“I’m supposed to be at UCSF at 9:30 a.m, if I don’t make it by 1 p.m, they will have to reschedule. I’m supposed to have colon surgery,” said O’Donnely.
Rachel McKim from Larkspur was also late for her medical procedure.
“I’m headed to the city for stem cell replacement. They’re frozen. I have to get there before they thaw. I’m feeling frustrated, I support the right for people to protest but if It causes thousands of people to be disturbed, it isn’t the right way to go about it,” said McKim.
26 protestors were later arrested, and the bridge opened by 12:15 p.m.
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