Mass Reports of Israeli Forces Raping Women Revealed Just Days After Israeli Accusations of Rape Against Hamas Proven False

Eyewitnesses in Al-Shifa hospital have revealed that the “Israeli” forces have raped women during their ongoing raid in Gaza’s largest medical facility. Whoever tried to save the women were shot dead by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF).
A civillian, Jamila Al-Hissi, who was trapped in a building adjacent to Al- Shifa Hospital said, “They raped women, kidnapped women, executed women, and pulled dead bodies from under the rubble to unleash their dogs on them.”
“Is there anything more horrifying than hearing women call for help?” She added, “When we try to reach them to provide assistance, they shoot us.”
The “Israeli” regime has killed more than 32,200 people since Oct. 7, 2023, with an overwhelming majority being women and children.
“In severely overcrowded shelters, in the streets amid the rubble, women and girls are seeking safety from airstrikes under unspeakable conditions. Yet, nowhere and no one is safe in Gaza,” one Palestinian woman said.
The mass rape crimes against Palestinian women in Gaza comes just days after an in-depth analysis by Al-Jazeera proved “Israel’s” rape claims against the Palestinian Resistance as false.
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