Americans Respond to MTA’s Removal of Dr. Refaat’s Words at Subway Station

Words of Palestinian scholar Dr. Refaat Alareer appeared in NY’s subway, with the words “If I must die, you must live to tell my story. RIP REFAAT.”
It was reported by Izzy Weiss to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to remove the “graffiti.”
In response, pro-Palestinians have plastered the words of Dr. Refaat everywhere throughout the city. He was killed on December 7, 2023 by Israeli airstrikes.
Some of these images read:
“We have no choice but to fight back and to tell her stories for Palestine.”
“Gaza and Palestine will prevail. More pressure, more protests, more activism.”
“If I must die, let it bring hope, let it be a tale.”
Dr. Refaat, a renowned scholar and poet, made many appearances and interviews before he was killed. He said, “I wish I were a freedom fighter so I die fighting back those invading Israeli genocidal maniacs invading my neighborhood and city.”
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