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African Union Calls for an Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza

The African Union (AU) has condemned the Israeli regime’s “most flagrant” violation of international humanitarian law over Gaza and is calling for a ceasefire to be taken into effect immediately.

AU Commission Chairman Moussa Faki Mahamat made the statement at a summit in Ethiopia on Saturday Feb. 17.

“Rest assured, we strongly condemn these attacks that are unprecedented in the history of mankind,” Faki said.

“We want to reassure you of our solidarity with the people of Palestine,” he added while accusing Israel of having “exterminated” Gaza’s inhabitants.

Azali Assoumani, president of the Comoros and the outgoing chairperson of the African Union, also condemned “the genocide Israel is committing in Palestine under our nose.”

“The international community cannot close its eyes to the atrocities that are committed that have not only created chaos in Palestine but also have had disastrous consequences in the rest of the world,” he added.

Assoumani then praised South Africa for dragging “Israel” to the International Court of Justice, accusing the entity for acts of genocide against the Palestinians. 

The Palestinian Prime Minister, Mohammad Shtayyeh, who was also present at the AU conference called on the AU to demand an end to the Israeli regime’s ongoing onslaught against the Palestinians. 

“Let the voice of Africa and the voice of your union be loud for the freedom of Palestine and the right of its people to self-determination and the embodiment of the Palestinian state and its recognition as a member state of the United Nations,” he said in his speech at the AU summit.

“Israel is an apartheid state and a state of racial discrimination in law and practice,” Shtayyeh said.

“Israel is killing out of revenge, after 134 days of aggression, and wants to continue killing for as long as possible to serve (Benjamin) Netanyahu’s position as prime minister, this must not be allowed,” he added.

The Palestinian prime minister further called on for “boycotting settlement products and settlement institutions and settlers.”

The Israeli regime has now killed more than 28,000 people since Oct 7, and continues to heavily restrict the flow of fuel, food, medical and humanitarian aid into Gaza, resulting in acute hunger crises and a humanitarian catastrophe in the Strip.

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