Japan’s Former Prime Minister Assassinated by Homemade Gun

The assassination of Japan’s former Prime Minister Abe Shinzo on July 8th shocked the world when it was revealed that he was shot by a double barreled homemade gun in a country with one of the world’s strictest gun laws. For TMJ News Network, Fatima El-Zein brings you the latest headline. The assassination of Japan’s former Prime Minister Abe Shinzo on July 8th shocked the world when it was revealed that he was shot by a double barreled homemade gun in a country with one of the world’s strictest gun laws. With TMJ News, I’m Fatima and you’re watching TMJ’s Newscast 67 Year old Abe Shinzo was the longest serving Prime Minister of Japan and was campaigning for a candidate for the Upper House of Parliament in the west Japanese town of Nara when he was shot by a homemade gun and airlifted to a hospital for emergency treatment where he was pronounced dead. Police say the suspect, 41 year old Tetsuya Yamagami has admitted to the killing and is now in custody; the motive however remains unclear while some sources cite a personal grudge and others an affiliation with a certain organization. Shinzo, was most known for Abenomics policies aimed at reflating Japan’s economy and working to amend the pacifist clauses in Japan’s constitution to expand Japan’s defence spending and its military’s ability to project power abroad. While the pacifist clauses did not change in the constitution, Shinzo did boost the country’s military spending and expanded Japan’s alliance with the United States. Japan hosts 50,000 U.S. troops amid tensions with China and North Korea. Shinzo ran as the leading voice of the Liberal Democratic Party that favors revising the constitution that was drafted by US Led forces that occupied Japan after World War 2. Revising Japan’s constitution and its pacifist clauses to expand military capabilities is a move now supported by many US leaders to counter China’s growing strength. Just 2 days after the assassination, Japan’s right wing liberal democratic party dominates parliamentary election of which Shinzo led for 8 consecutive years. Japan has one of the world’s strictest gun laws where a death by firearm is 0.01 % per 100,000. The high profile killing of Abe Shinzo will continue to rock the country where shootings are extremely rare and incomprehensible.
Written by ZainabRights, Anchored and Produced by Fatima El-Zein
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