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US Objects to Israel Legalizing Nine Settlements as Resistance Intensifies

“Israel”’s notorious far-right cabinet approved the legalization of nine illegal settlements, sparking outrage from the Palestinian Authority (PA) which lashed back calling the highly illegal move as an ‘open war’ against its people. The move also comes with objections by the Biden administration and is expected to create tensions between the United States and Israel. 

Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Nethanyahu, took to Twitter on 12th February 12, 2023 and said “in response to the murderous terrorist attacks in Jerusalem, the political-security cabinet headed by me decided this evening unanimously to approve the settlement of 9 settlements in Judea and Samaria”. The Times of Israel confirmed the names of the illegal outposts as Avigayil, Beit Hogla, Givat Harel, Givat Arnon, Mitzpe Yehuda, Malachei Hashalom, Asahel, Sde Boaz and Shacharit.

Over half a million Israelis are currently plundering over Palestinian land, living in more than 200 settlements. The Palestinian foreign ministry said in a statement on Sunday that the latest decision crossed “all red lines” and undermined the revival of “the peace process.”

The Times of Israel reported that a senior Biden administration official said, “We strongly oppose expansion of settlements, and we’re deeply concerned by reports about a process to legalize outposts that are illegal under Israeli law…We are seeking more information from the Israeli government on what has actually been decided,” the official added.

Political analyst  Mohammad Oweis said that the government of Netanyahu, who was elected in November to form a hardline right-wing coalition, was stepping up its claim on Palestinian land.

“This is an escalation, this will increase the level of violence against the property of the Palestinians,” Oweis said.“The Palestinians will continue to resist with whatever they have in order to protect their lives and their property.” 

The hasty decision from the Israeli Prime minister’s office came in the wake of a shooting operation which erupted on Friday, January 27 2023, near a synagogue in an illegal Israeli settlement. Seven Israelis were shot and 10 were wounded.

The following Thursday, the Israeli regime’s forces stormed through the city of Jenin and its neighboring refugee camp in the north of the occupied West Bank and shot nine Palestinians. 

In the last month alone, Israel has increased the amount of attacks conducted against Palestinian towns and cities. This resulted in dozens of Palestinians losing their lives and several have also been arrested. Most of these raids were primarily in Nablus and Jenin, where Israel forces have been trying to tear down the growing Palestinian resistance. 

Over 170 Palestinians including 30 children were killed in Palestine last year. Since January 2023, 38 Palestinians including five children have been killed. The United Nations even marked 2022 as the deadliest year for Palestinians in the West Bank since 2006.

Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh called on the United Nations and the United States to intervene regarding the authorization of nine settler outposts, stating that the Israeli cabinet approvals will test the seriousness of the Biden administration, since senior officials visited over the past month and pledged to oppose such unilateral measures by Israel. Outpost settlements has been one of the red lines the US has tried to draw since the new Israeli government took office. As the resistance intensifies, the relations between the United States and Israel continue to sour.

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  • Zamena Manekia Manji

    Zamena Manekia Manji is a breaking news writer for TMJ News with experience of over 10 years in the field. Her areas of focus are important breaking stories in North America specifically untold stories from a minority lens.

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