Saudi Regime Sentences 51-year-old Tunisian Doctor to 15 Years for Liking a Tweet

The Saudi Regime has sentenced 51-year-old Mahdiyah Al Marzouki to 15 years for reacting to a tweet.
While Marzouki currently resides in Saudi Arabia since 2008, she is a doctor originally from Tunisia.
She was arrested in July 2020 for interacting with a Twitter video of pro-Hezbolah demonstrations that took place in Tunia’s capital.
The Prisoners of Conscience have argued that Marzouki had 87 followers on her account and cannot incite public unrest and destabilize Saudi Arabia’s national security by liking a Twitter post.
Initially, Marzouki was sentenced to two years and eight months, but it has now been increased to a 15 year sentence.
Since her arrest, all contact has been cut off with Marzouki, her brother said to Al Jawharah FM. The family has attempted to reach out to the Tunisian Consulate but there has been no response, her brother said.
Recently, a 72- year-old U.S. citizen from Florida, Saad Ibrahim Almadi, was sentenced to 16 years on October 17th 2022 over 14 tweets he had posted while in the United States critical of the Saudi regime.
Critics say these accounts are frequent, such as the sentencing of Salma Al Shehab in 2021, a 34-year-old mother of two children aged four and six years old, to 34 years in prison for tweets.
A dental hygienist by profession, Shehab had 159 followers on Instagram and 2,597 on Twitter which was filled with posts of her children and her dental work. Friends said Shehab sometimes spoke about injustice which she was passionate about. She had posted tweets in support of Loujain Al-Hathloul, a Saudi activist who was imprisoned and tortured for advocating for women’s driving rights in Saudi Arabia.
Shehab was visiting family in Saudi Arabia for vacation on December 2020 from the United Kingdom where she was studying when she was arrested and sentenced to prison.
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