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Pro-Palestinian and Palestinian Resistance Leaders Pour Condolences Mourning the Killing of Iranian President

Resistance leaders and groups across the globe have expressed their sorrow at the unprecedented death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi whose helicopter crashed into the mountains after his visit to the Azerbaijani border, killing him and other high ranking officials who accompanied him. 

Mohammad Ali Al-Houthi, Head of the Revolutionary Committee in Yemen, released a statement stating, “Our deepest condolences to the Iranian people, and to the Iranian leadership, and to the president’s family and the accompanying delegation on the martyrdom of President Raisi and the accompanying delegation, and we ask Allah to grant their families patience and comfort. We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return.The Iranian people will remain loyal to leaders loyal to them, God willing.”

The Palestinian Popular Resistance Committees, also expressed their remorse, while solidifying their solidarity with the Islamic Republic of Iran and its leadership.

“With great sadness and sorrow, we mourn the tragic passing of the esteemed Iranian President, Mr. Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Dr. Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and their accompanying delegation who ascended in the unfortunate plane crash. We pray for them to be enveloped in Allah’s vast mercy and to be accepted in the gardens of Paradise with the martyrs, the truthful, the prophets, and what excellent companions they are. We extend our heartfelt condolences to His Eminence, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, and to the grieving Iranian people, hoping that Allah, the Almighty, will bring comfort to their hearts in this great loss.”

“Palestine, its people, and its resistance will never forget the contributions made by the two resistant martyrs, President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Dr. Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, in support of the Palestinian cause and the advocacy for our people in all forums. […] Iran will always remain a steadfast supporter for all the oppressed individuals of the nation and the world in confronting the forces of arrogance, injustice, and tyranny globally,” the statement read. 

Simultaneously, the Palestinian Resistance officially released a statement shortly after the killing of the Iranian President was announced by Iranian media outlets.

A part of their statement read, “We express our shared feelings of sorrow and pain with the brotherly Iranian people and our full solidarity with the Islamic Republic of Iran in this tragic incident and grave loss, which claimed the lives of a group of the finest Iranian leaders who had a remarkable journey in Iran’s renaissance and held honorable stances in supporting our Palestinian cause, backing our people’s legitimate struggle against the zionist entity, and their valued support for the Palestinian resistance. They made diligent efforts in solidarity and support in all forums and fields for our people in the steadfast Gaza Strip during the battle of Al-Aqsa Flood, and their intense political and diplomatic efforts to stop the zionist aggression against our Palestinian people.”

Perhaps most notably from the outpour of condolences from among resistance groups and various countries, Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, who considered the Iranian leader as his counterpart, expressed his condolences in a letter while calling President Raesi a “true friend of Russia” and vows he will retain fond memories of this “wonderful man.”

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