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Man And Two Teens Plan Bomb On Chicago Shia Mosque

A man and two teens from three different states joined forces with plans to bomb and kill all adults in a Shia Mosque in Chicago over spring break.

The FBI revealed newly unsealed court documents with evidence against 18-year-old Xavier Pelkey, an ISIS supporter, and two minors showing images of hand-painted ISIS flags in Pelkey’s bedroom along with images of home-made explosive devices.

Reports say Pelkey reached out to the minors through Instagram using the name ‘Abdullah’.

Agent Garret Drew says in his declaration that their plan was to get inside the mosque, isolate the adults and murder them. They had no escape plan, according to the documents, rather their plan was to be shot by law enforcement in the end.

During the February search warrants of the minors homes, Chicago FBI agents “seized multiple firearms, including a Remington pump shotgun, swords, knives, a bow and arrows, multiple homemade ISIS flags, and multiple electronic devices from Juvenile #1’s residence.”

Pelkey was charged with possession of unregistered destructive devices but no hate crime charges have been brought up yet.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations is urging prosecutors to bring hate crime charges saying, “this disturbing case highlights the real threat posed by anti-Muslim bigotry, antisemitism and other forms of hate.”

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  • Fatima El-Zein

    Fatima El-Zein is Lead Producer at TMJ News where she aims to bring more awareness about her community through storytelling. El-Zein grew up in Toronto, where she completed her undergraduate degree in Journalism at the University of Toronto and also received a diploma in Journalism from Centennial College. She has worked extensively for CBC News before moving to the United States.

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