ICJ Ruling and What it Means Going Forward: An Analysis

When something big happens – like a large massacre that is generating mass condemnation which cannot be overlooked – then decisions come from the back end but they remain on the shelves to be used when the time is right and to take advantage of that stance.
The same applies for South Africa’s ICJ case. If Israel is indicted, this would remain on the shelf until the United States really wants to indict the occupation entity and throw the red card its way. Its crucial to understand the new upcoming phase, the post Israeli failure phase after this confrontation ends is not the same as what it was prior to Oct 7th. Talks now will be on the role of the entity moving forward and its destiny, i.e. its “fitness for life.”
So even if the United States does not support the idea of charging Israel now with genocide, they may allow it to go forward because it does not tangibly do anything in the current stage. However, they may use it to their benefit them in the future, especially given the ICJ is seen as an “independent body.”
Thus, what determines the events that transpire is the political interest.
Also crucially, when massacres become very high profile which affects their interest, it is less in their interest to not pass the decision along to call it a genocide, because the backlash will be greater. At the same time, if America wants to, it can use different means to pressure and disallow the decision by the ICJ to go forward.
This is the first time that the Israeli occupation entity has been accused in the global courts. Ironically, the founding of the ICJ was in the context of the holocaust against the Jews so that it doesn’t get repeated. The unfortunate destiny is those who claim to be the victims are the ones perpetrating it in the worst fashion while invoking victimhood. If just for nothing except that there exists a global international body indicting the entity, despite immense pressure from Western world , the ICJ ruling has helped in turning worldwide perception upside down.
On the level of governments and countries, these institutions are all extensions of the American capitalist project, bar a few, and these entities are created by those who reign. However, people are not the same as governments, and public opinion has never been so greatly swayed against the status quo imposed for the longest time.
People are opening their eyes due to the magnitude of the atrocities – that has made it a decisive issue – nothing less than a stance against this entity. The change in public perception is a huge threat to the stability of Western interests and this will create fragmentation from within.
The fact that the case is being put forth by South Africa also makes it a special one. South Africa suffered from apartheid for a very long time and the West had also colonized their lands. Till today, the Transnational capitalist class reigns there.
Despite all this, the apartheid of South Africa cannot compare to the magnitude of what is being witnessed in Palestine, which is a continual Nakba and conspiracy project for ethnic cleansing, spearheaded by the colonial powers of the world.
This case exposes the persistent colonial mentality and their countries, namely the US and Britain who not only turn a blind eye to the suffering and claim it is not happening, but do everything in their power to save the Israeli occupation entity from collapse.
The most important aspect, perhaps, is that South Africa as a third party that is impartial in exposing the reality and documenting the evidence on what is considered the most reputable world stage, is best suitable to do so in that itself has experienced colonial oppression of an apartheid nature.
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