Avalanche Strikes California, Buries Skiers and Snowboarders
An avalanche struck the Palisades Tahoe, a ski resort in Olympic Valley in California, killing one and injuring one.
“The avalanche caused one fatality and one injury,” the Placer County Sheriff’s Office said.
The avalanche occurred on Wednesday Jan. 10, which led to the death of 66 year old man named Kenneth Kidd. Two others were caught in the snow slide, Gross said. One was “extracted” by her partner, and the other was “assisted” by other guests.
The avalanche occurred at around 8:30 a.m. local time on the Palisades side of the resort mountain, and one witness stated that he saw many people buried underneath the avalanche, calling for help.
“Multiple people were buried and several were screaming as all of the GS Bowl slid from top to bottom,” Darian Shirazi wrote on X. “My condolences to the family of the snowboarder who passed away. This was a shocking and terrifying experience. Ski safe.”
A risk for an avalanche was evident according to the Sierra Avalanche Center, which showed a strong winter storm in the area as the cause.
Gross probed that it is “absolutely” typical to open a part of the mountain despite strong weather and heavy snow warnings.
“We’ll evaluate the conditions, and based on our expertise and our experience and the history, if we deem the conditions safe, then we will open it,” Gross said.
Video from Live Storms Media, or LSM, shows numerous fire trucks and police vehicles at the snowy resort. The outlet reported medical personnel were working on patients in the resort’s medical building. The avalanche was described as “major” by LSM, citing “numerous entrapments and injuries.”
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