The Israeli Regime is Rapidly Falling Apart

During the past few months, the rapid decline of the Israeli regime has become increasingly evident. These factors include the plummeting economic situation and the increasingly violent protests from illegal settlers against their own regime. Additionally, the calculated retaliation efforts being conducted from the resistance in the West Bank, various nations in the Middle East meeting with Syria and the Chinese brokered deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia also contribute to the increasingly weakened stance of the Israeli regime in the region. This piece will analyze some of the recent progressions both within the Israeli entity and the broader region ultimately contributing to its own rapid decline.
Since January 2023, hundreds of thousands of settler protestors have been regularly rallying on the streets demonstrating their criticism for the “extreme-right” policies of Benjamin Netanyahu. The demonstrations started in response to Netanyahu’s plans to change the regime’s judicial system through restricting the court’s ability to overturn laws. Instead, the Knesset, or parliament, would need to hold the majority vote to reject decisions put out by the court. These bills, if passed, would grant Knesset lawmakers control over judicial appointments and eliminate judicial review of legislation. Many have also used these rallies to highlight corruption charges Netanyahu was indicted of in 2019, nicknaming him “the Crime Minister.”
The protests have also become increasingly violent with IOF soldiers attacking the settler demonstrators. This past Thursday, Netanyahu had to fly to the airport by helicopter because demonstrators blocked the roads surrounding the airport. Israeli President Issac Herzog noted, “we are on the brink of constitutional and social collapse, I feel – we all feel- that we are barely a moment away from a collision and even a violent collision.” This inner turmoil of mass protests is based on legislation at the very foundation of the illegal entity, meaning that such demonstrations threaten the very stability of the so-called “Jewish state.”
A combination of the instability caused by the protests as well as the retaliation efforts of the resistance in the West Bank have led to concerns of a judicial coup resulting in millions of dollars being transferred abroad. Recent reports note that over 4 billion dollars have been transferred out of Israel and into foreign banks in the past three weeks. Majority of the capital was transferred to Europe and the United States and was mostly moved by individuals rather than organizations. To add on, many companies from the high-tech sector have also moved money abroad leading to a fear that there will be a halt in progression within this field. Many high tech companies have also been taking part in strikes within the past two months. A senior executive at one of the foreign banks operating in Israel states, “The buzz is incomparable to any situation in the past that I can remember, neither during war time nor in economic crises. We are also being approached by young individuals from the high-tech sector but also older people who are thinking about their savings.” This further shows the increasing amount of distrust the illegal settlers possess towards their own regime. A source at one of the foreign banks operating in the Israeli Regime told Calcalist, “even in 2003 during the second intifada, we didn’t see such interest and such a transition of customers as in the past two weeks.”
Foreign embassies have also seen an increase in applications for citizenship from Israel. The French embassy in Israel has witnessed a 13 percent increase in applications for citizenship, following the November elections where Netenyahu was re-elected. Other European countries have also noticed an increase in the demand from Israelis for foreign citizenship, Portugal recording a 68 percent increase. The German embassy also noted a 10 percent increase. The overall economic trends in Israel are declining and are indicative of a growing mistrust the illegal settlers have towards the Israeli regime.
In the midst of this internal turmoil within Israel, there have been notable developments in the retaliation efforts on the West Bank. In the increasingly violent raids the Israeli regime has been carrying out over the past few months in the West Bank, the resistance have not only continually vowed retaliation but have also acted upon their words. This new generation of youth in the West Bank have been very vocal in their disfavor for the Palestinian Authority (PA) as well as their stance that armed resistance is the only step forward towards liberation. A recent poll conducted in the West Bank showed the majority supported the formation of armed resistance groups and disapproved of the PA authority.
As the wings of the Palestinian resistance become more united than ever and their operations become more calculated, it has become evident that the Israeli regime has severely undermined the armed resistance in the West Bank and their fear of the “Gaza model” of retaliation has been coming to life. This new image of a strengthened mobilized resistance in the West Bank coincides at the same time that Israel faces an internal political turmoil never seen before in its history. With this united resistance front connecting Gaza and the West Bank becoming clearer, the Israeli regime’s worst nightmare is coming to life.
Recently on February 26th, there was a delegation of senior Arab lawmakers meeting with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Damascus. The heads of the Iraqi, Jordanian, Palestinian, Libyan, Egyptian and Emirati houses of representatives, as well as representatives from Oman and Lebanon were present. This marked the first visit to Damascus since 2011 when Syria was suspended from the Arab League. As the Arab nations begin to re-establish ties with Syria for the first time since the Western-Zionist backed propaganda campaign against Syria, it becomes clear that this scheme against the Syrian government as well as the funding of “rebel groups” aligned with terrorist organizations ultimately failed.
Moreover, the Chinese brokered-Iran-Saudi deal this past week also was a blow to the Zionist regime. This deal is specifically significant for Iran as not only will it benefit economically but it shows the failed attempts of the Israeli-American agenda to build a firm coalition against Iran. Saudi Arabia already has “under the table” deals with the Zionist regime but this Iran-Saudi deal attests to the regional power shift towards Iran and the broader resistance axis. Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett called the agreement a “political victory” for Iran and a “serious and dangerous development for Israel. “This delivers a fatal blow to efforts to build a regional coalition against Iran,” he said.
The settler colonial Israeli regime is rapidly falling apart. From the regime’s own internal turmoil, to a stronger and more united resistance front than ever before, as well as neighboring deals indicating a power shift towards the axis of resistance, evidence indicates that the Israeli regime’s days are only but numbered.
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