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All About Palestine: A Complete Guide in Understanding its Struggle For Freedom (Intro)

All About Palestine: A Complete Guide in Understanding its Struggle for Freedom (Intro)

Palestine. What was once a thriving, culturally, and religiously diverse land, now lies under the military occupation of a racist, colonial regime.  In the early 1900’s, ‘Imperialism’ and ‘Zionism’ merged together in perhaps the greatest conspiracy in human history: to uproot a nation and establish a military outpost in the form of a settler-colony on the shores of West Asia, to serve the British Empire’s interests in the region.

All About Palestine: A Complete Guide in Understanding its Struggle for Freedom (Intro)

Palestine. What was once a thriving, culturally, and religiously diverse land, now lies under the military occupation of a racist, colonial regime.  In the early 1900’s, ‘Imperialism’ and ‘Zionism’ merged together in perhaps the greatest conspiracy in human history: to uproot a nation and establish a military outpost in the form of a settler-colony on the shores of West Asia, to serve the British Empire’s interests in the region.

Written by: Nadia Hojaij and Yahia Hassani | Copy Editors: Zainabrights | Design: Fatima El-Zein

Palestine. What was once a thriving, culturally, and religiously diverse land, now lies under the military occupation of a racist, colonial regime.  In the early 1900’s, ‘Imperialism’ and ‘Zionism’ merged together in perhaps the greatest conspiracy in human history: to uproot a nation and establish a military outpost in the form of a settler-colony on the shores of West Asia, to serve the British Empire’s interests in the region. In an effort to legitimize its establishment in the post-colonial world, it was propagated under the guise of creating a national home for the Jewish people, despite many Jews finding the idea contentious

In 1947, after decades of intensive colonization, Zionist militias invaded over 530 Palestinian villages, killed around 15,000 Palestinians, and expelled over 750,000 Palestinians, in what became known as the Nakba or “Catastrophe”. 75 years later, the expelled Palestinians make up about 6 million officially registered refugees who are disallowed to return to their homeland.  

Today, Palestinians are scattered and are forced to live in refugee camps throughout Palestine and in neighboring countries.  The Palestinians who remained in Palestine suffer colonization, occupation, and ethnic cleansing by the Israeli occupying forces. In the West Bank, Palestinians live in an Apartheid system where they face daily harassment, military checkpoints, curfews, raids, unlawful incarceration, arbitrary detention, forceful dispossession, home demolitions, and continued Israeli settlement expansion.

In Gaza, over two million Palestinans are besieged by the Israeli regime which has imposed a land, air, and sea blockade, in what is commonly referred to as the world’s largest open-air prison. Gaza has faced multiple Israeli military operations where residential buildings, schools, churches, mosques, and even hospitals are indiscriminately bombed, killing thousands of innocent Palestinians.

Palestinians with Israeli citizenship living inside Israel are treated as second class citizens. They face more than 60 discriminatory laws including different property rights and segregation policies.

By falsely equating Zionism with Judaism, the Israeli regime calls any criticism “anti-semitism” in a concerted effort to silence critics. Israel receives unwavering political, economic, and military support from the US which allows Israel’s occupation and ethnic cleansing of Palestine to continue with impunity.

Wealthy pro-Israeli lobbies have powerful influences in various US American institutions from politics, education, entertainment, and media. As a result, the common narrative propagated through these institutions swing in favor of Israel and often vilify the Palestinian plight.  However, with the emergence of social media, global social activism, and the free flow of information directly from on-ground sources, the reality about the Palestinian struggle is spreading across the globe. The people of Western nations are tired of seeing billions of their tax dollars spent on funding the interests of wealthy billionaires, and the Israeli occupation. They would much rather have their money go towards their crumbling economies, homeless crisis, deteriorating infrastructures, poor healthcare systems, and astronomical amounts of student loan debt. 

As Israel’s morale deteriorates with each passing day, the support for Palestinian liberation continues to grow. However, many have only just begun to approach a conflict that began long before the events of October 7th.

The following report will provide an in-depth analysis on the struggle for freedom in Occupied Palestine and will uncover what Western powers and mainstream media have worked tirelessly to suppress.

The piece you just read is a part of a larger report on Palestine. Each day we will delve into a different aspect.

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