The Filton 10: Activists Behind Bars as Justice is Delayed

On Aug. 6, six Palestine Action activists were arrested for entering Elbit Systems in Filton, Bristol, in protest of the company’s profiteering from Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza.
They allegedly caused over £1m in damage to the research hub owned by Israel’s largest weapons producer.
Another four were arrested in the coming days.
The Palestine Action activists were initially held under the Terrorism Act, which allowed authorities to hold and question them without charge for up to 14 days.
Palestine Action explained that this sentencing power was used “to justify detaining activists without charge… and to prejudice the public by associating the action with terrorism.”
During the course of seven days, the activists were held in solitary confinement and were not allowed to have any visitors or communication with family.
A week later, they were charged with a range of offenses including criminal damage and aggravated burglary.
Naila Ahmed, Head of Campaigns at CAGE International, said: “The Filton 10 case represents a shocking exploitation of Counter Terrorism Policing and Legislation to protect companies who are guilty in aiding and abetting a livestreamed genocide in Gaza.”
Watch TMJ’s original video report on the Filton 10:
Elbit Systems Ltd.
Elbit Systems is Israel’s largest military manufacturer. Its weapons and surveillance systems are regularly used in war crimes against Palestinians, especially in the past year.
According to Palestine Action, “The Filton premises are the brand new hub of Israel’s biggest weapon’s firm.”
U.K.-Israeli Ambassador Hotevely and Elbit Systems CEO Bezhalel Machlis attended the Filton site’s June 2023 opening, where they boasted about the company’s critical role in Israel’s military.
Elbit Systems also frequently uses Gaza as a laboratory to develop new weapons.
At the company’s second quarter 2024 results, Machlis said, “The portfolio was improved drastically and this war has been an accelerator for many developments. The IDF is using these technologies now and in the future, we will bring them to the rest of the market as well.”
Palestine Action Activist Denied Bail
On Aug. 13, the activists appeared in the Magistrates Court, where they were denied bail.
The terrorism charges were eventually dropped, but the prosecution is allegedly still looking to bring up “terrorist connections” without any clear indication as to what those may be.
Palestine Action has continued to lead a campaign to raise awareness about the arrested activists.
They are Jordan Devlin, 30, Charlotte Head, 28, Leona Kamio, 28, Fatema Rajwani, 20, Zoe Rogers, 20, and Samuel Corner, 22, and Hannah Davidson, 51.
The group also led a mobilization on August 11 outside the Hammersmith police station, and continues to encourage social media campaigns to raise awareness of the many violations of law in the ongoing case, including the denial of bail, baseless terrorism allegations, and the use of solitary confinement despite the absence of charges.
The Activists’ Families Speak Out
TMJ News spoke exclusively to activist Fatema Rajwani’s aunt, Saji J., who resides in the United States.
She explained that “Fatema Zainab, one of the Filton10, just turned 20 last month, is a deeply compassionate young lady. The plight of the oppressed around the world, in Sundan, Congo, Kashmir, Parachinar, and the recent events in Gaza have left her feeling very distressed. She is pursuing a degree in media and has just completed year two with her last year to go. Her favorite line is ‘None of us are free until all of us are free.’”
Rajwani’s other aunt, Sherry R., said, “These six young individuals showed us courage and conviction in standing up for what is right, even in the face of great personal risk, they have shown bravery that is truly inspiring. Their actions reflect a strength of character that is rare and deeply admirable.”
Saji J. noted the unjust use of the law, stating that “It’s hard to understand why they were arrested under the Terrorism Act. These six individuals are in fact standing up against injustice, standing for freedom for all, and standing against oppression. How on earth is arresting them under this act justified?”
She also explained the nature of Fatema’s imprisonment, noting that her mother and family members were unable to visit her for the first three weeks.
Results of the Preliminary Hearing
During the preliminary hearing on Sept. 13, the trial was shockingly set all the way to November 2025. The option for another bail will be explored in a January 2025 hearing.
The trial date being set so far ahead is above the U.K. custody time limits for the Crown Court, which is 182 days. This law was put into place to prevent defendants from being held in pre-trial custody for long periods if not granted bail.
The unjust legal proceedings committed against the Palestine Action activists continue to raise questions about the misuse of counter-terrorism laws to infringe on free speech rights and censor those speaking out against the ongoing genocide in Gaza.
The U.K. in particular is one of the largest exporters of weapons and jets that aid the Israeli regime in its war on Palestine.
Around 15 percent of the components of all F-35 fighter jets are produced in Britain. According to US defense contractor Lockheed Martin, “the fingerprints of British ingenuity can be found on dozens of the aircraft’s key components.”
An Uncertain Future
As the Filton 10 remain in prison and await their next court proceeding, it has become clear that the system is attempting to use these activists to instill fear and intimidation amongst the population.
The use of the Terrorism Act to censor free speech at this level reveals a much more deeply rooted problem: the unchecked power of a police state that can get away with violating its citizens’ basic legal rights.
Despite this reality, the story of the Filton 10 has been spreading – a testament to the power of protests and collective action, especially in targeting companies directly responsible for the ongoing Israeli aggression against Palestinians.
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