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War Report: Jordan Vows to Confront Airspace Violators as Israel Anticipates Retaliatory Attacks

Today’s war updates:

A rocket fired from Gaza lands in occupied territory of Kiryat Malachi, traveling over 30 kilometers from the besieged strip.

West Bank villages attacked by Israeli forces. Over 570 Palestin-ians in the West Bank have been killed by the Israeli regime and illegal settlers since Oct 7. 2023 – most in a single year since being recorded.

Al-Shanti Camp of Ga-za City hold prayers for the late Palestin-ian Resist-ance leader Is-ma-il Hani-yeh who was born and raised there, but hails from Al-Jura, a village where Ashkelon is today, that was depopulated during the Nakba.

Thousands crowd at the Imam Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab Mosque in Doha, Qatar for the funeral procession of Ha-ma-s leader Is-ma-il Hani-yeh and his final resting place. Millions of Muslims around the world attend the absentee funeral of Han-iy-eh, including in Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Turkey, Morocco, Somalia, Jordan, and the West Bank. 

Jordan enrages pro-Palestin-ians across the globe by vowing to confront “airspace violators” in support of Israel while awaiting Iran’s retaliatory response.

International airlines cancel flights to Israel as retaliatory threats by Iran and the Leban-ese Resist-ance intensify, as the US prepares to counter the attacks, according to Axios. 

Iraq opens a new border command as fear looms over the ISIS members freed by US-backed Kurdish forces in Syria, as Iraq’s minorities fear another genocidal campaign.

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