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UK Govt ‘Seriously Undermining’ Democratic Rights by Failing to Revoke Anti-Protest Laws: Human Rights Watch

The UK government is facing sharp criticism from Human Rights Watch (HRW) for its failure to revoke controversial anti-protest laws enacted by the previous administration. In its latest World Report, HRW warned that the Labour government is undermining democratic rights by upholding measures that severely restrict the right to peaceful protest.

The laws in question, including the Public Order Act 2023 and the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022, grant police sweeping powers to curtail protests by redefining “serious disruption” thresholds. This change has led to the arrests of hundreds of peaceful protesters, including climate activists and pro-Palestine demonstrators.

Civil rights group Liberty successfully challenged these measures in May 2023, with a court ruling them unlawful and accusing the previous Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, of implementing the changes without parliamentary approval. Despite this, the Labour government under Home Secretary Yvette Cooper announced in December it would appeal the ruling, raising concerns about its commitment to human rights.

HRW UK Director Yasmine Ahmed expressed alarm, stating, “This government’s refusal to repeal these restrictive laws and their decision to appeal a court ruling sends a worrying message about their commitment to democracy and the right to protest.”

The crackdown has intensified in recent months, particularly targeting pro-Palestine and climate activists. Since July 2023, over 40 activists have been imprisoned, and the Metropolitan Police reported 630 arrests of Just Stop Oil protesters in December alone. Pro-Palestine demonstrations have faced increasing police restrictions, with activists reporting surveillance, unannounced police visits, and referrals to the government’s Prevent programme.

Critics have drawn parallels between the UK’s restrictive measures and actions by authoritarian regimes. Ahmed noted the irony, saying, “The government condemns repression abroad while continuing to impose draconian policies at home.” Campaigners fear this trajectory represents a significant threat to democracy and the fundamental rights of expression and protest.

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