Trump Signs Executive Order to End Federal Support tor Gender Transitions Under Age 19

President Donald Trump took a decisive step Tuesday to protect children and parental rights by signing an executive order that blocks federal funding for gender transitions for minors under the age of 19. The move is part of his broader effort to push back against what many conservatives see as radical gender ideology being imposed on families and children.
The order ensures that taxpayer dollars will no longer fund irreversible medical procedures, including hormone treatments and surgeries, that could have long-term consequences on developing bodies. It also directs the Department of Justice to take legal action against institutions and individuals that promote these life-altering treatments to minors. Medicaid, TRICARE, and other federally funded programs will be prohibited from covering gender-transition services for those under 19.
The executive order reinforces the government’s commitment to protecting children from what Trump has called “barbaric medical procedures” while upholding the rights of parents to make decisions in their children’s best interest—free from government coercion or activist pressure. Trump’s stance aligns with many medical professionals and parents who believe that young people should not be rushed into life-changing medical interventions before they are old enough to fully understand the consequences.
Trump is also pushing for Congress to pass legislation allowing individuals who later regret undergoing gender transitions as minors to sue the medical professionals and institutions responsible for their procedures. The order also calls for an investigation into states that actively encourage gender-transition treatments for minors, including those that strip parental rights from families who refuse to go along with the ideology.
Conservative and parental rights groups praised Trump’s action as a much-needed correction to the Biden administration’s push for gender ideology in schools, the military, and government programs. They argue that protecting children from these procedures is not about discrimination but about ensuring their well-being and preventing irreversible harm.
Trump’s executive order is the latest in a series of actions aimed at restoring biological reality in government policies. Last week, he signed an order defining sex as strictly male or female, rolling back the Biden administration’s recognition of transgender and nonbinary identities. This change has already led to the State Department halting the issuance of passports with an “X” gender marker, ensuring that official documents reflect biological truth.
Trump’s position on these issues resonates with a majority of conservative voters. According to AP VoteCast, nearly 60% of Trump supporters favor laws restricting gender-transition treatments for minors, reflecting widespread concern about the long-term effects of these procedures.
Republican-led states have already enacted legislation banning youth gender-transition treatments, keeping biological males out of women’s sports, and ensuring that restrooms align with biological sex. Many of these laws are facing legal challenges, but Trump’s federal action provides momentum to those fighting against the push for radical gender ideology.
Trump’s leadership on this issue sends a clear message: the federal government will no longer be complicit in promoting gender transition procedures for children. Instead, it will focus on protecting parental rights, safeguarding children from irreversible harm, and upholding the scientific reality of biological sex.
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