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Sudan’s RSF Launch Assault on El-Fasher After Issuing Ultimatum for Sudanese Army to Withdraw

The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) launched an assault on el-Fasher after their ultimatum for the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and allied Joint Forces to withdraw from the city expired. Since May, the RSF has surrounded el-Fasher and is accused of targeting civilians based on ethnicity in other parts of Darfur.

Following the ultimatum’s expiration, the RSF intensified shelling on Abu Shouk camp for internally displaced persons and neighborhoods in the city, including attacks on emergency hospitals. These hospitals are now out of service after sustained attacks. Reports indicate at least four civilians, including Mohammed Ishaq, were killed in the violence.

Esra Mohamed Noor of the Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa described widespread fear among city residents and displaced persons. Violent clashes between the army, Joint Forces, and RSF are ongoing. The RSF has launched smaller attacks to deplete SAF’s defenses, potentially preparing for a larger offensive.

In Khartoum North, fierce fighting continues around the al-Jili oil refinery, with SAF making slow progress against RSF snipers.

Analysts suggest both the SAF and RSF are escalating violence to secure a stronger negotiating position before potential US intervention. The RSF’s massacres have been labeled genocide by the US, with new Secretary of State Marco Rubio criticizing the UAE’s support for the RSF.

Both sides are seeking territorial gains, with Egypt supporting the SAF. Experts predict SAF will aim to secure Khartoum and al-Gezira states, while the RSF continues its efforts in el-Fasher and Khartoum city.

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