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Russian Commander Declares Kursk “Decisive Battle” that will Lead to Ukraine’s Defeat

In a bold statement, Major-General Apty Alaudinov, commander of Russia’s Chechen Akhmat Special Forces, has declared the ongoing fight in Russia’s Kursk Region as the “decisive battle” that will lead to the collapse of Kiev. Alaudinov, who recently became deputy head of the Main Military-Political Directorate of the Russian Armed Forces, shared his views in a video posted on his Telegram channel on Saturday.

The general dismissed any notion of a Russian defeat, calling it “inconceivable” in the face of the largest Ukrainian assault on Russian territory since the conflict began in February 2022. “I see no reason for you to doubt, to think that we could even lose this battle,” Alaudinov asserted, urging more Russians to enlist in the military to support what he described as the defining clash of the war.

“This is the decisive battle,” he emphasized, predicting that once Russia secures victory in Kursk, Ukraine will fall – along with its Western allies NATO, Europe, and the U.S.. Alaudinov highlighted the presence of foreign fighters, including Americans, Poles, English, and French, among those supporting Kiev, warning that they have no place in Russian territory. “We will do everything to keep you out,” he vowed, proclaiming that “Russia is more united than ever; we are a force that no one can stop.”

The Russian Defense Ministry reported that the Ukrainian advance, which began on Tuesday, has been halted, with significant losses on the Ukrainian side, including nearly 1,120 soldiers and 140 armored vehicles. Moscow has condemned the raid as a provocation, accusing Ukraine of targeting civilians and infrastructure in the Kursk region.

As the battle rages on, the stakes have never been higher, with Alaudinov and Russian forces framing this fight as the turning point in the ongoing conflict.

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