Paris Olympics Games Closing Ceremony Accused of Depicting Satanic Ritual

The Paris Olympics Games 2024 is in the spotlight once again – after the opener was heavily criticized for insulting Christianity as the closing ceremony is also being accused by many of depicting satanic symbolism.
The closing ceremony, held on August 12 at the Stade de France in Paris, was orchestrated by French director Thomas Jolly and featured performances by international stars like Snoop Dogg and Billie Eilish. Around 70,000 spectators attended the event, which passed the Olympic flag to Los Angeles, the host city for the 2028 Summer Games.
The ceremony sparked a wave of controversy online. Social media platforms were flooded with claims that the use of “demonic” imagery was a deliberate homage to Lucifer, the sun god. One X user remarked, “The 2024 Olympics closing ceremony was obviously an homage to Lucifer. It’s all front and center because they know their time is almost up.”
Another user accused the organizers of selling their souls to the devil, pointing out the recurring themes of “demonic forces” throughout the event.
Russia’s Foreign Ministry has sharply criticized the closing ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympics, branding it as “obvious Satanism.” The condemnation was voiced by Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova, who took to her Telegram channel to express her disapproval, particularly targeting the “Golden Voyager” segment of the ceremony.
The performance was intended to symbolize the gold-plated vinyl record sent into space aboard NASA’s Voyager spacecraft in 1977. However, Zakharova had a different interpretation. “A fallen angel turns people into zombies, subjugating humanity to his will,” she wrote, suggesting the ceremony depicted a diabolic ritual rather than a celebration of human achievement.
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