Palestinian Brigades in West Bank Engage in Fierce Clashes Against Invading Israeli Forces
Today’s war updates:
🔹 Israel has begun its largest West Bank operation in 22 years, targeting refugee camps in Jenin, Tubas, Tulkarm, and Nablus, killing 11 Palestin-ians so far.
🔹 Palestin-ian brigades in West Bank engage in fierce resistance against invading Israeli forces.
🔹 Over 5,650 Israeli soldiers have been injured or fallen ill on the northern front since October 7, with hospitals in Nahariya and Safed overwhelmed by the ongoing confrontations.
🔹 Israel’s 16th Brigade lost 8 soldiers in a week and a half of operations in Ga-za’s Netzarim Corridor.
🔹 Three drones launched from southern Leba-non hit the Ayelet HaShahar kibbutz near Safad during the visit of the US and Israeli Army Chiefs of Staff.
🔹 Israeli officials condemned National Security Minister Ben Gvir for calling to build a synagogue at Al-Aqsa Mosque, labeling the move reckless.
🔹 At least 170 Palestin-ian journalists have been kil-led since the start of the Ga-za war, according to reports from Ramallah.
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