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Over 10,000 Israeli Soldiers Injured Since Start of War, More than 2,800 with Psychological Disorders

Today’s war updates:

  • Israeli airstrikes on the Ga-za Strip today have resulted in 35 deaths, according to medical sources. Of these, 24 were kil-led in Kh-an Yu-nis. The bombardment has been ongoing since dawn.
  • Leban-ese Resi-stance drones swarmed an Israeli army site during a U.S. envoy’s visit to Leba-non. Western nations are rushing to prevent Iran and the Axis from retaliating against recent Israeli att-acks. Diplomatic efforts are intensifying to avoid further escalation.
  • An Israeli airstrike on the Abbasiya junction in Tyre, South Leban-on injured 17 civilians. Four in critical condition.
  • The U.S. has approved a $20 billion arms package for Israel, drawing criticism for contributing to the ongoing conflict with Palestin-ian civilians in Ga-za.
  • The Israeli Ministry of Security reported over 10,000 injured Israeli soldiers since the start of the war on Ga-za. Each month, over 1,000 new injuries are recorded, with 68% being reserve forces. Additionally, more than 2,800 of the injured soldiers are suffering from psychological disorders, including anxiety, depression, and PTSD.
  • Ha-m-as has rejected participation in Thursday’s Doha meetings, according to a senior official, stating they will not engage unless the talks adhere to the July 2 ceasefire proposal, criticizing Netanyahu for imposing new conditions that disrupt the negotiations and provide cover for Israel’s ongoing gen-oc-ide.

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