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Outrage After Biden Awards George Soros and Hilary Clinton with Presidential Medal of Freedom

President Biden’s decision to award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and left-wing philanthropist George Soros has ignited widespread anger.

What is the Presidential Medal of Freedom?

The Presidential Medal of Freedom, established by President John F. Kennedy in 1963, is the highest civilian award in the United States. It is bestowed by the president to individuals who have made significant contributions to the nation’s security, world peace, or other significant public or private endeavors. The medal recognizes a wide range of achievements, including public service, philanthropy, and advancements in the arts, sciences, literature, and athletics.

Clinton: War Hawk or Advocate for World Peace?

Hillary Clinton’s record of destabilizing regions in the Middle East and East Asia raises questions about her suitability for an award that celebrates contributions to world peace and national security. Her involvement in the NATO-backed intervention in Libya, funding of Wahhabi extremists in Afghanistan, and support for Al-Qaeda in Syria has left many nations in turmoil rather than peace. Her tenure as Secretary of State faced criticism, particularly regarding her handling of the war in Libya and the 2012 attack on U.S. government facilities in Benghazi, Libya, which resulted in the deaths of four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

Given the recent atrocities in Gaza and Clinton’s unwavering support for Israel, this award comes at a particularly contentious time. During a live interview at the World Forum event in Berlin on February 19, 2024, Clinton was interrupted by protesters labeling her a “war criminal.” When asked if she was shocked by the high civilian casualties in Gaza, Clinton replied, “Of course, I’m not shocked because that is what happens in war.”

Many have expressed dismay over her receiving this award. Online commentator Blake Habyan remarked, “What a joke — these people have done the exact opposite of what the award is intended for.”

Soros: Billionaire and Democratic Party Donor

George Soros, 94, a billionaire and major Democratic donor, has frequently been criticized by Republicans and others who hold conservative family and religious values for his financial support of progressive causes and candidates. Since 2000, Soros has reportedly donated over $21 billion to progressive organizations and campaigns, making him one of the most influential donors in U.S. politics.

The White House stated that Soros’ philanthropy has strengthened democracy, human rights, education, and social justice worldwide. However, right-leaning commentators and others who hold conservative values have condemned him for funding progressive district attorneys perceived as lenient on crime, which they argue has contributed to crime waves in blue cities.

Clinton and Soros are among 19 prominent figures receiving the nation’s highest civilian honor, alongside notable individuals from politics, fashion, sports, entertainment, and activism.

A statement from the White House asserted, “President Biden believes great leaders keep the faith, give everyone a fair shot, and put decency above all else. These nineteen Americans are great leaders who have made America a better place. They are great leaders because they are good people who have made extraordinary contributions to their country and the world.”

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