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Ongoing War has Cost Israel Around $67.5 Billion as its Economy Plummets

Today’s war updates:

  • At least 25 Palestin-ians have been kil-led in a series of Israeli airstrikes across Ga-za since the early hours of the morning.
  • Ha-m-as has confirmed that its military leader, Mohammed De-if, survived an assassination attempt, despite Israel’s claim last month that he was kil-led in a strike on Al-Mawasi in southern Ga-za.
  • During Mahmoud Abbas’s speech at the Turkish Parliament, MPs held up photos of Ism-ail Han-iyeh and Yahya Sin-war. The Palestinian Authority’s security coordination with Israel, since the Oslo Accords, is seen as suppressing resis-tance in the West Bank and obstructing Palesti-nian liberation.
  • The Israeli economy teeters on the edge as it anticipates retaliation from the Resis-tance Axis. 
  • Israeli media reports estimate that the ongoing war has so far cost the Israeli economy approximately 250 billion shekels, or about $67.5 billion.
  • According to senior US officials, Israel has reached the limit of its military impact in Ga-za and now only threatens civilians with continued attacks.
  • Leban-ese Resis-tance has hit the Shamir settlement for the first time, using Katyusha rockets, in retaliation for strikes on southern Leban-ese villages, including Marjayoun. 
  • The Leban-ese Ministry of Health reports that over 540 people have died from Israeli bombings, with 2,312 injured and 547 confirmed deaths as of August 13. Injuries are primarily due to blunt trauma (43%), blasts (32%), and chemical exposure (15%).

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