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Syria has conditioned the restoration of diplomatic relations with Turkey with the withdrawal of illegally present Turkish forces from Syrian territory.
The Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates confirmed that any effort to restore ties between the two neighboring countries, “must be built on clear foundations that ensure the desired results… foremost of which is the withdrawal of illegally present forces from the Syrian territory, and the fight against terrorist groups that threaten not only Syria’s security but also the security of Turkey.”
The Syrian foreign ministry cited that the very basis of such principles is the “mutual respect for sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity, along with addressing any threats to the security and stability of both nations.”
It also extended appreciation to the “friendly and brotherly countries that have made sincere efforts to mend Syrian-Turkish relations.”
“We want peace in Syria, and we expect everyone who stands for peace to support this historic call,” Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told journalists a few days ago.
“A fair peace in Syria would benefit Turkey [among neighboring countries] the most,” Erdogan said, adding, “The most important step in this process is to start a new era with Syria.”
Erdogan further confirmed that the progress has been positive.
Turkey ceased ties with Syria in March 2012, a year after the NATO-Gulf backed regime-change war on Syria began, which Turkey supported, paving the way for many foreign-backed militants and terrorists to invade the country.
The process of normalizing ties between Ankara and Damascus commenced in December 2022, when the Russian, Syrian, and Turkish defense ministers met in Moscow, in the most pivotal meeting between the two sides since the beginning of the global war on Syria.
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