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Michigan Orchard Owner Sells Business following Lawsuit for Islamaphobic Remarks

Steve Elzinga, owner of Erie Orchards & Cider Mill, has decided to put his business up for sale following a lawsuit filed by a Muslim family alleging racial discrimination. The lawsuit, filed by attorney Abdallah Moughni on behalf of Joe Mahmoud and his family, arose from an incident on August 13 when Elzinga allegedly made racist remarks and falsely imprisoned the family.

The incident began when Mahmoud inquired about the orchard’s “U-Pick” area and was informed by an employee that any leftover, mostly rotten fruit could be taken free of charge. After Mahmoud and his family picked some fruit, Elzinga allegedly approached their car, seized the fruit, and searched the family’s diaper bag, where their 6-month-old baby was seated. Elzinga reportedly demanded $58 for the fruit and exclaimed that “all Muslims try to steal from him.” Mahmoud recorded part of the confrontation, where Elzinga can be heard making further disparaging remarks.

The 10-count lawsuit accused Elzinga of negligence, false imprisonment, and discriminatory behavior. A settlement was reached earlier this year, although details were not disclosed. In response to the backlash, Elzinga issued a public apology on the orchard’s website, expressing regret for his actions and claiming they did not reflect his values or the orchard’s inclusive mission.

Mahmoud, reflecting on the incident, emphasized the importance of standing against racism, stating: “No family should have to go through that. No one.” The case drew significant public attention, with advocacy against racism and Islamophobia central to the family’s decision to share their experience.

Following the legal and reputational fallout, Elzinga has listed Erie Orchards for sale, signaling the end of his tenure at the business. The move underscores the broader societal rejection of discriminatory practices and the consequences for individuals and businesses involved in such incidents.

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