Lebanon’s Hezb-ollah Unveils Vast Underground Missile Complex Amid Imminent Retaliation
Today’s war updates:
🔹 Ha-m-as claims Israel is stalling ceasefire talks to prolong its war on Ga-za as its military campaign intensifies.
🔹 An Israeli airstrike on the Austrian Towers area in Khan Yunis killed at least five Palestin-ians and injured dozens more.
🔹 Palestin-ian Resis-tance reports targeting three Israeli Merkava tanks, a Namer APC, and a D9 bulldozer with Al-Yassin and Tandem shells in Rafah’s Tal al-Sultan.
🔹 Palestin-ian resis-tance hails the August 18 Tel Aviv explosion as a new phase in confronting Israel over its refusal to accept a Ga-za ceasefire, vowing more ‘martyrdom operations’ as long as Israel’s actions in Ga-za persist.
🔹 Israeli warplanes have bombed Tayr Harfa in southern Leb-anon.
🔹 A loud sonic boom was heard over Beirut, caused by Israeli warplanes.
🔹 Leban-ese Resis-tance stopped an Israeli infiltration attempt in southern Leba-non and used drones to strike two military sites in Galilee, causing casualties.
🔹 The Israeli military confirmed that a Chief Warrant Officer from the 300th “Baram” Brigade was killed by a Hez-bol-lah drone in the Western Galilee.
🔹 A Tel Aviv University poll shows 65% of Israeli Jews believe soldiers accused of torturing a Palestinian detainee should face internal disciplinary action, not prosecution.
🔹 UNRWA’s Philippe Lazzarini reported that 289 aid workers, including 207 from UNRWA, and 885 health workers have been killed in Ga-za.
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