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Lebanon Reports 2,000 Casualties by Israeli Attacks Since Oct 8 in Support of Gaza

Today’s war updates:

🔹 Palesti-nian Resis-tance report using a ‘Zouari’ drone to target Israeli command centers and gatherings in the Netzarim Corridor.

🔹 Reports claim Egypt has doubled imports from Israel, with several ports becoming major trade hubs since the war in Ga-za began.

🔹 Israeli citizen Noa Argamani criticizes Israeli media, stating she was injured by an Israeli airstrike, not Ha-m-as, despite being used as a symbol for Israeli captives.

🔹 The Israeli Broadcasting Corporation reports 12 soldiers injured, including 4 critically, in an explosive device explosion in Ga-za’s Al-Zaytoun neighborhood.

🔹 At least 100 rockets from southern Leba-non have been launched towards Northern Israel since the morning of Aug. 23.

🔹 Leba-non has recorded over 2,000 casualties from Israeli attacks since October 8, including 564 deaths – 422 Hez-bo-llah fighters and 142 civilians.

🔹Millions of Yeme-nis marched in San-aa, braving heavy rain, to show support for Ga-za and call for escalation.

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