Jordan to Open NATO Office in Amman

In a quest to strengthen ties with the West, Jordan has agreed to open a NATO liaison office in Amman. The announcement came at the 2024 NATO Summit in Washington, agreeing on an action plan for a stronger, more strategic and result-oriented approach to their southern neighbors.
NATO has claimed that this is a committed approach to increasing engagement and cooperation with its Middle Eastern and North African allies, while recognizing the decision as a “beacon of stability.”
In a US Department of State press briefing, the Department spokesperson, Matthew Miller, was asked regarding the presence of the Arab foreign ministers presence at the NATO Summit in Washington. Miller was also asked if he could elaborate whether the Israeli regime’s brutal war on Ga-za would be a focus during the summit.
The foreign ministers of Israel, Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Mauritania, Morocco, Qatar, Tunisia, and UAE were present.
Miller told reporters that Secretary of State Antony Blinken would meet with these foreign ministers and heads of state, claiming that he “would certainly expect” Ga-za to be discussed, with talks of a potential ceasefire expected.
“And not just the work to achieve a ceasefire, but the ongoing work that we are doing to try and develop robust plans for the day after the conflict to establish governance and security that would give us a path to lasting peace, security, and stability for the region,” he stated.
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