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Israeli Media Suspects Hez-b-ollah Drone May Have Captured Footage of PM Netanyahu’s Home

Today’s war updates:

🔹 Palestin-ian Resis-tance launch an operation targeting Israeli forces positioned in the “Netzarim Corridor” south of the Tal al-Hawa neighborhood in Ga-za City.

🔹 Palestin-ian Resis-tance targeted an Israeli infantry unit of 10 soldiers with an anti-personnel shell near Tal al-Hawa in Ga-za City and detonated explosive devices on Israeli forces near “Al-Hawouz” in Kha-n Yu-nis, causing casualties.

🔹 Four Palestin-ians were killed in an Israeli airstrike targeting two apartments in the Jabalia camp, north of Ga-za.

🔹 Following an Israeli drone strike on a vehicle in Jenin, Palestin-ian Resis-tance reported the deaths of two fighters, including their leader in Jenin, Raafat Dawasi and Ahmad Abou Orra. 

🔹 Israeli media reported on August 18 that American Airlines has halted its flights to and from Israel until April 2025.

🔹 According to UNRWA, Israel has reduced the ‘humanitarian zone’ in Ga-za to only 11%, leaving the displaced with no safe areas to move to.

🔹 UNIFIL stated that three peacekeepers were lightly injured by an Israeli airstrike on Dhayra, southern Lebanon, near their UN vehicle, and a civilian home was also hit. Israeli attacks in southern Leba-non have continued, affecting multiple locations since Sunday morning.

🔹 Israeli media reports indicate that a Hezb-ollah drone may have captured footage of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s residence in Qaysaria.

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