Israel Pulls Back 15,000 Reservists Amid Mounting Casualties in Gaza
Today’s war updates:
🔹 Palestin-ian resis-tance fighters detonated a booby-trapped tunnel against Israeli forces near Kh-an Yu-nis, and targeted a Merkava tank in Deir al-Balah with a Yassin 105 shell.
🔹 Ga-za’s Government Media Office reports Israel committed three massacres, including airstrikes on a school, market, and charging station, killing 25 people and injuring many others.
🔹 Israel’s central bank chief urges PM Netanyahu to implement lasting budget reforms as economic troubles deepen following a credit downgrade.
🔹 New evacuation orders hit Deir al-Balah, but Palestin-ians are resisting as Israeli bombings disrupt Ga-za aid efforts, according to the UN.
🔹 An Israeli airstrike kil-led a Fatah leader in Saida, Leba-non, shortly after Hezb-ollah launched rockets at the Golan Heights.
🔹 Israel has recalled 15,000 reservists as monthly casualties in Ga-za reach 1,000 injured soldiers.
🔹 Four Israeli airstrikes hit northeastern Leba-non, including Boday and Nabi Chit, amid escalating conflict.
🔹 Tens of Lebanese Katyusha rockets struck the occupied Golan Heights, targeting an Israeli base in retaliation for attacks on Leba-non’s Bekaa, killing one and injuring 19.
🔹 France and Spain have deployed radars in southern Leba-non under UNIFIL to monitor Hezb-ollah, amid claims of advancing Israeli interests.
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