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Iron Dome Fails to Intercept Barrage of Rockets from Southern Lebanon

Today’s war updates:

  • Palesti-nian Resis-tance groups target building housing Israeli forces in Ra-fah and bombard Israeli positions in Khan You-nis.
  • Shooting operation in the West Bank’s Jordan Valley leads to the death of one Israeli settler and the injury of another.
  • Ha-m-as demands Israel return to the US-backed ceasefire proposal from earlier this year, calling new talks “cover for Israeli massacre.”
  • Leba-nese Resis-tance pounds Northern Israel with a barrage of Katy-usha rockets as Iron Dome fails to intercept them.
  • Israeli forces continue to shell southern Leba-non, causing casualties. 
  • Several Syrian army soldiers killed in alleged US drone strike near Iraqi border.
  • President Biden reiterates “Don’t” in reference to Ir-an’s looming retaliation against Israel as the uS deploys submarines and aircraft carriers to the Middle East.

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