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Palestinian Resistance Strikes Tel-Aviv with Two Missiles in Response to Israeli Massacres

Today’s war updates:

  • EU chief Josep Borrell condemns Itamar Ben-Gvir’s call to cut fuel and humanitarian aid to Ga-za as “incitement to war crimes” and urges the EU to consider sanctions against Israel.
  • Since October 7, Israeli forces have detained over 10,000 Palestin-ians in the West Bank, including more than 1,000 women and children, according to prisoner rights groups.
  • Nearly 100 Israeli reserve officers sign a letter stating Ga-za victory “far from over”, challenging optimistic statements from senior military leaders.
  • The Israeli geno-cide has now claimed 39,897 lives, with Ga-za’s healthcare system nearing collapse and many still missing.Palestin-ian Resis-tance in Ga-za strikes Tel-Aviv with two M90 missiles in response to Israel mass-acres.

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