Iran Captures 14 ISIS Members Plotting to Carry Out Terrorist Attacks

Iran’s Intelligence Ministry has announced the arrest of 14 members of the Daesh terrorist group – a.k.a. ISIS – thwarting a series of planned attacks within the country. In a statement released on Friday, the ministry revealed that the individuals were affiliated with the Daesh Khorasan (Daesh-K) faction, which it described as a “US-Zionist grouplet.” The suspects were apprehended in coordinated operations across four provinces—Tehran, Alborz, Fars, and Khuzestan—after entering Iran illegally in recent days with the intent to carry out terror attacks.
According to the ministry, seven of the suspects were arrested in Fars province, while the rest were captured in Tehran, Alborz, and Khuzestan. The intelligence operations successfully disrupted their plans, though specific details about the plots have not yet been disclosed. The ministry added that the results of further investigations and interrogations will be made public at a later date.
The Daesh terrorist group gained notoriety in 2014 after seizing large areas in Iraq and Syria, proclaiming a so-called “caliphate” over the territories it controlled. However, with significant assistance from Iran, Iraqi and Syrian forces were able to push back Daesh militants and reclaim their lands by 2017. Despite these setbacks, remnants of the terror group continue to carry out sporadic attacks across the region and beyond.
Daesh most recently claimed responsibility for deadly bombings in the southeastern Iranian city of Kerman on January 3, 2024. The attack killed 89 people and injured 284 others, highlighting the ongoing threat posed by the group despite its diminished presence in the Middle East. Iran’s latest arrests are part of continued efforts to combat terrorism and protect national security.
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