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Yem-en Armed Forces Down the Seventh $30 Million US MQ9 Drone Since Oct 7

Today’s war updates:

  • Senior Israeli officials accused Netanyahu of sabotaging ceasefire talks.
  • Two Israelis were kil-led in a stabbing attack in Tel Aviv, leading to a total of 25 Israelis killed as a result of complex Palestin-ian resist-ance operations since Oct. 7.
  • Israeli occupation forces commit yet another mass-acre by targeting Al-Nasr and Hassan Salami school in west of Ga-za kil-ling 25 civilians.
  • Yem-eni Armed forces down the seventh $30 million US MQ9 drone since Oct 7
  • The Palestin-ian Resist-ance launches a bombardment of rockets towards Ashdod and surrounding bases and settlements.
  • The Lebane-ese Resist-ance launches 50 rockets towards Northern Israel.

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