The World Reacts to the Most Anticipated Ceasefire in Gaza

Millions across the globe erupted into celebration as the ceasefire in Gaza was finally announced on Jan 15., after being vetoed four times by the U.S. since Oct. 7, 2023. The ceasefire brought the world’s most documented 470-day genocide to a halt.
Thousands of Palestinians flocked the streets of Gaza as the ceasefire was announced, chanting praises of glory to God and embracing one another after the 15-month-long Israeli onslaught in Gaza came to an end.
Their relief, however, was mixed with skepticism. Sarah Ibrahim, a Palestinian public health student in Washington, D.C., spoke exclusively to TMJ News about how Palestinians feel about the ceasefire. “It’s a victory for all oppressed people across the world who are facing imperialism,” she said.
Ibrahim added that the Israeli regime failed to achieve its military objectives of occupying Gaza, settling in the North of Gaza, and freeing the hostages after 15 months of attempting to do so while “actively targeting all aspects of society.”
As a Palestinian who advocated for an end to U.S. complicity in Zionism and demanded an arms embargo against Israel, Ibrahim stressed how evident U.S. involvement in the genocide and the occupation of Palestinian land was.
She pointed out how the rebuilding of Gaza, ravaged by the relentless Israeli bombings, will take a long time, adding that “the ceasefire is the floor, liberation is the ceiling, and our people deserve to live without the constant fear of drones and airplanes overhead.”
Citizens of Palestine’s neighboring country, Jordan, were seen waving the Palestinian flag while delivering sweets to moving vehicles as a gesture of celebration and victory on behalf of their Palestinian brethren, as news of the ceasefire broke out.
The people of Tunisia celebrated with fireworks, smoking sticks, and Palestinian flags while donning the symbolic Palestinian keffiyeh in celebration of the ceasefire.
In the city of Tunis, residents were seen holding out a large cut-out poster of Yahya Sinwar, the slain leader of the Palestinian resistance to honor his final moments, when he was filmed hurling a stick toward an Israeli drone in a final act of resistance.
People crowded the streets of Iraq with Palestinian flags, celebrating the much anticipated ceasefire, while hailing the Gazans for defeating the Israeli regime.
“We are happy and full of joy for the ceasefire,” said Aya Talib, an Iraqi resident. “This is a victory for the few and vulnerable people who stood up against the most arrogant entity in the world. This is a victory not for individuals, but a victory for Islam,” she added.
While thousands of Yemeni people protested in solidarity with Palestine every Friday since Oct. 7, 2023, they once again flocked the streets of Sanaa to celebrate with the Palestinians.
“We have not left Gaza to struggle alone. Since October 2023, we have done everything we could to support the people of Gaza,” Ammar Amri, a 35-year-old school teacher from Sanaa, told The New Arab.
Amri added that the Israeli warplanes that struck Yemen and the American battleships in the Red Sea failed in intimidating the Yemeni people.
“Neither the Israeli warplanes that struck Yemen nor the American battleships stationed in the Red Sea off our shores intimidated us. Today’s Gaza ceasefire is a shared victory for both Yemen and Gaza,” Amri added.
Every Friday, Iranians rallied to condemn the Israeli regime’s crimes against humanity and its genocide in Gaza. On the Friday following the ceasefire deal between Hamas and Israel, the rallies erupted with joy.
“Thanks to the martyrs of the resistance, in the end, it was a victory for the resistance front.” an Iranian resident told Press TV.
Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei hailed the sacrifices and bravery of the Palestinians and their resistance in the face of Israeli aggression.
“Today, the world realized that the Palestinian people’s patience and the Palestinian resistance’s resilience have forced the Zionist regime to back down,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.
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