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Bangladesh PM Hasina Resigns and Flees Country After Weeks of Student-led Protests

Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has resigned and fled Bangladesh following intense protests over a controversial quota system for government jobs. The demonstrations, which escalated into a wider rebellion against her 15-year rule, culminated in thousands of protesters storming her official residence and other properties linked to her party and family.

The sudden departure of Sheikh Hasina has plunged the densely populated nation into further turmoil. Bangladesh, already grappling with high unemployment, corruption, and climate change challenges, now faces a precarious future. In response to the escalating violence, Dhaka’s main airport has suspended operations due to security concerns.

Media reports indicate that at least 41 people have died and around 200 have been injured in the violence surrounding her resignation, while at least 356 people have died since the student-led protests began in July. Among the dead are more than a dozen people who perished in a hotel fire in Jashore, set ablaze by protesters targeting a property owned by a leader of Hasina’s party.

In the wake of Hasina’s exit, military chief Gen. Waker-uz-Zaman announced he would temporarily take control of the country. Soldiers have been deployed to quell the growing unrest. Following discussions with Gen. Waker-uz-Zaman and opposition leaders, President Mohammed Shahabuddin announced that Parliament would be dissolved and a national government would be formed to oversee fresh elections.

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