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Around 3,200 People Arrested at Pro-Palestine Encampments Across US College Campuses

Around 3,200 people were arrested on college campuses this spring during the pro-Palestine tent encampments across the US. Some colleges dismissed the demonstrations by agreeing on a deal with the students, while most called in police when protesters refused to leave – leading to violence in some cases. 

Charges against several students have been dropped. However, hundreds of cases have yet to be resolved, particularly at campuses that witnessed the highest number of arrests.

Alongside legal strains, the students now face uncertainty in their academic careers. Some have been resilient, assuring that they would have made the same decisions even if they had known about the dire consequences. Others however, are struggling with the repercussions of their protests, which include suspensions and expulsions from school. 

Most of the cases against the demonstrators – which include students, faculty, and others not related to the colleges – include misdemeanors or lower-level charges. Examples include trespassing, failure to disperse, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

Prosecutors in several cities are still debating whether to pursue charges. However, in many cases officials have indicated they do not intend to pursue low-level violations, particularly on campuses with at least 100 arrests.

As the Israeli geno-cide continues in Ga-za, colleges are bracing for more protests as students return this fall, strategizing over how to handle them and when to call in law enforcement.

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