6 Facts You Should Know About Arbaeen
Despite being shortlisted as one of the world’s most dangerous countries, Iraq has left global audiences astounded by hosting the world’s largest annual peaceful gathering in Karbala that attracts over 20 million pilgrims each year.
Amidst the sweltering heat and constant threats from ISIS, the annual Arbaeen walk remains largely unreported by Western media in spite of the awe-inspiring realities emerging from this global phenomenon.
The Arbaeen event, which marks the 40th day of mourning the holy Prophet Muhammad’s grandson, Hussain ibn Ali, unites over 20 million people globally in Karbala, Iraq.
According to reports, over 21 million people are in attendance this year.
Arbaeen Facts:
1. Largest Peaceful Gathering in the World
Over 20 million people visit Karbala for the eve of Arbaeen every year, surpassing even the largest festival in the US, the Coachella, by a landslide.
The Arbaeen walk stretches over 80 kilometers between the cities of Najaf and Karbala. People from across the globe partake in this three-day journey, which hosts the young, old, disabled, and even infants who are in their mothers’ arms throughout the walk.
Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, and even atheists have been spotted in the annual Arbaeen march. Sunni and Shia Muslims pray together at the holy shrines.
Pilgrims believe Husain ibn Ali did not just save Islam in the battle of Karbala, but preserved the values and morals of humanity. This is why millions are attracted to his message of truth, logic, and true liberation.
2. Iraq Accommodates Millions of Visitors Despite Scorching Heat
Karbala, Iraq holds a population of roughly 600,000 people and its infrastructure struggles to support its inhabitants. Despite this fact, over 20 million people are accommodated in the city annually.
An estimated total of 600 million meals are fed to the visitors everyday for free.
With the heat at almost 50 degrees celsius in the desert country, Iraqis have installed cooling systems across the holy shrines, while freely distributing cold water to the pilgrims.
This marks a stark contrast to the 2 million pilgrims who attended Hajj in Saudi Arabia last month. Despite being the richest of countries in the Middle East, the kingdom appeared to fail in facilitating pilgrims throughout the heatwave.
Water was severely lacking in areas where pilgrims walked for hours on end. Over 1,300 pilgrims died in Mecca due to the heat this year.
3. Karbala Hosts an Annual International Conference in Honor of Palestine
While Iraq prepared for Arbaeen, it also hosted the third edition of the Nida al-Aqsa International Conference, where religious and political figures from over 60 countries attended the two-day event in Karbala.
This year’s theme was “From Battle of Karbala to the Flood of Al-Aqsa: the Triumph of Will against Tyranny.”
The seminar concluded with global leaders’ solidified stance for the people of Palestine and the resistance against the Israeli regime, while calling out to sever ties with the occupation entity.
The Iraqi government’s solidarity with the Palestinian nation was also acknowledged and appreciated.
The conference was organized by the Global Campaign for Return of Palestinians under the supervision of the Astan (custodianship) of the holy shrine of Imam Hussein (AS).
4. The Arbaeen Walk Mirrors the Values of Hussain Ibn Ali
The Iraqi government and its citizens freely distribute food and water to pilgrims and open their homes for them to relax, wash, and rest. This is while many Iraqis live below the poverty line, but insist on providing from what they have.
Pilgrims claim that such hospitality is matchless and continues to remain largely ignored by mainstream media.
These acts of selflessness and hospitality are performed by the example of Hussain ibn Ali, the Prophet’s grandson, who was known for his generosity and kindness, even to his enemies.
History books narrate how Hussain, whilst on his way to Karbala alongside his family and children, gave water to the opposition army and its horses, who were approaching Karbala to kill him.
The Iraqis’ hospitality is also practiced in remembrance of the hunger and thirst of Hussain and his family.
In the days preceding to the battle of Karbala, Yazid ibn Muawiyah’s army blocked water and food from entering the tents of Hussain’s army for three days. The tents also sheltered women and children, including Hussain’s six-month old baby, Ali al-Asghar.
5. Iran Provides Security to Arbaeen Pilgrims
Iran’s military official announced that several army units will be deployed around Iran’s borders to guarantee security.
Iraqi reports confirmed that the Popular Mobilization Forces will be responsible for the protection of millions of pilgrims who are making their way toward the city of Karbala.
The army field hospital is also available to provide medical services to the flocks of pilgrims.
During a visit to the army’s regional headquarters in southwestern Iran, General Brigadier Youssef Ghorbani highlighted the vital role of the army’s field hospital in providing medical services to the pilgrims making their way to honor Imam Hussein (AS).
He also emphasized that the army was fully prepared to assist pilgrims alongside other Iranian and Iraqi armed forces. “We are committed to ensuring that every pilgrim feels safe and supported during this important journey,” he added.
6. Commemorating Arbaeen Began with One of the Prophet’s Closest Companions
The tradition of visiting the gravesite of Hussain ibn Ali and his family and companions began with Jabir ibn Abdullah Ansaari, one of Prophet Muhammad’s closest companions.
A’amash relates from Atiyyah al-Kufi:
“I accompanied Jabir Ibn Abdullah Ansaari for the pilgrimage to the grave of Imam Husain Ibn Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s). When we entered Karbala, Jabir went towards the river Euphrates, performed the ritual bath (Ghusl), wrapped himself in a cloth, and placed a robe upon his shoulders (like the Ehraam of Hajj). Then he opened a purse of a So’d (a perfume) and applied it upon his body. He then started glorifying Allah at each step until he reached the grave, then he told me, ‘Tie me to the grave’. So, I tied him to the grave. Then Jabir threw himself on the grave and fell down unconscious. I sprinkled some water upon him. When he regained consciousness, he cried out thrice ‘O Husain, O Husain, O Husain!’
Jabir continued, ‘By Him Who sent Muhammad (s.a.w.a.) as a Prophet with truth, we are indeed partners with you in whatever you have achieved’. Atiyyah says that hearing this I asked, ‘O Jabir! How are we partners with them, when we did not alight at any valley or ascend a mountain, nor did we strike anyone with swords? While the heads of these martyrs were severed from their bodies, their children have been orphaned and their women have been widowed?’
Jabir replied, ‘O Atiyyah! I have heard my beloved, the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.a.) say that those who love a nation shall be raised along with them, while those who are pleased with the action of a group is party to them in their task. By the One Who sent Muhammad (s.a.w.a.) with truth as a Prophet! My intention and those of my companions is similar to what Imam Husain (a.s.) passed away with.
Bihaar al-Anwaar, vol. 65, pp. 130-131, H. 65 & vol. 98, pp. 195-196, H. 31
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